Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Years Resolution Execution Time

Okay, starting again, again....

Started my Kettlebell workout on 1/1/13. Did about 40 minutes as follows:

3 sets of swings with 20 kg KB - appx 20 swings per set
3 sets of cleans and jerk with two, 20 kg KB - appx 5 reps each
3 sets of dead lifts with two, 20 kg KB - appx. 10 reps each
2 sets of swings with 24 kg KB - 15 reps each

Today, I plan to work on snatches, maybe 5 sets, as many as possible, probably with lighter bells - maybe 16 kg. and the Turkish Get ups, as many as possible in 5 minutes. I'll likely add some bench presses to that and some crunches. Then, back to the first routine, tomorrow.

I'll repeat this alternately each day for six days and then rest a day and start over. I'll try to increase my reps each set until I double them, then I'll increase the weight by one KB level (I use 16kg, 20 kg, 24 kg and 28 kg)

My BMI is about 33% right now, and I weighed 264.5 when I started on 1/1/13.
This morning, after eating better and working out, I dropped 2 lbs. so I am at 262.5 on 1/2/13.
My goals are to get my BMI to appx. 18 and weight at 180 to 190.

Once I get in shape with the KB and the weight lifting and body weight exercises, after a few weeks, I will start walking and hiking and riding a bicycle. Once I get strong enough, supple enough and strengthen my joints, I will start running, doing some interval work and some easy long runs to establish a base. I will also do some backpacking on weekends. If I have the opportunity, I'll add swimming, too. In the summer that will be easy, but if I can, I'll sign up for a pool membership before then.

We have also discussed getting some boxing equipment for my son and I - a heavy bag and a speed bag and some punching pads. We also may add some jump rope work. I haven't done much of this kind of thing, so I'd love some feed  back on it.

Wish me luck,

I'll update from time to time.
Bob Vogel

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