Friday, February 1, 2013

Fried Chicken Does Not Help Weight Loss!

I know you are surprised to hear that - but fried chicken does not assist in weight loss. In fact, it is sabotage. Eating it is a deliberate act of sabotage against a weight loss program - especially when it is accompanied by mashed potatoes and grave, sweat corn, biscuits. In response to the fact that I knew I'd done wrong, I worked out excessivly ( see the workout below) - in addition to swimming at lunch and an hour worth of kettle bells last night - I still managed to gain a pound and a half - I went from 251 up to 252.5. Oh, the home made chocolate chip cookies didn't help, either. Apparently, I can't work hard enough to burn off that much extra intake - also, all of it is very high in sodium, which hurt a lot.

Anyway, I'm back on track today - after this blip, and hope to report a better return tomorrow - by the way, the addition of swimming has been fantastic.

Here are a couple of days worth of work outs:

Thu, Jan 31 2013
Wt. 251
20m 600.00 yards03m 20s /100 yards
1h 00m
ExerciseSetsMin repsMax repsMin Wt. (lb)Max Wt. (lb)
CORE Kettlebell Swings1012253553
CORE Kettlebell Turkish Get-up1443535
CORE kettlebell clean squat press3348888
CORE Kettlebell snatches314163535


Wed, Jan 30 2013
Wt. 251.5
30m 1000.00 yards-----

Pullups - three sets of 8
ExerciseSetsMin repsMax repsMin Wt. (lb)Max Wt. (lb)
CHEST Flat Bench Press314145145
CHEST Dips366130130

Tue, Jan 29 2013
Wt. 252
18m 6.50 miles-----
18m 550.00 yards-----
ExerciseSetsMin repsMax repsMin Wt. (lb)Max Wt. (lb)
CORE Kettlebell Swings515154444
CORE Kettlebell snatches410103535

Good, solid workout. Started swimming yesterday and it was miserable. But, went again today and broke through a wall. I struggled for the first 150 yards - everything hurt and I started to cramp up in my left thigh and ham string at the same time. My right calf went next. But, I pushed through and went slow and steady. After about 50 to 100 yards, my pace started to improve and all of a sudden my arms and legs felt weightless, and I was moving through the water with a lot more comfort. I focused on my breathing and swam steady for another 400 yards - I sprinted the last 50 just because - and then took a steam and a sauna.
I was able to do well with the diet today, also. Considering the calories I burned off working out, plus the fact that I stayed under my max target of 1750 while eating well, I hope that tomorrow will show some good weight loss. Of course, there is still time tonight to eat more but I'm going to try to resist temptation.
I ate around 7 pm tonight -then went to work out. It is about 10 to 10 now, and I haven't eaten since. I'm going to take my blood sugar now to see where I stand. Its 135, which is a little higher than I expected, but I think working out might elevate it. I'm going to look into that.