Saturday, January 26, 2013

Great Workout for a cold, rainey (icy) day

Yesterday, I did a simple, whole body workout that you can do indoors. It works your core. For me, since I'm hoping to do some triathlons this year, it also helped develop strength and stamina in the muscles I need for swimming. The combination of the kettlebell swings and snatches and the yoga turns this into a whole body workout. Kettlebells end up being an interval workout, as well. Not only did I feel great after the workout - I feel great today AND I lost 2 lbs yesterday.

Since I started again on the Sonoma Diet (even with some cheating), I've dropped from 267 to 254.5 in about a week. I know this will slow down going forward, but it is exciting to see these results. Also, I have more energy, I fell less stress and more focused. One of the things that really contributes to weight loss is keeping track of my food intake. I use Calorie Counter - it gives you a break down of the nutrition information about your diet, allows you to factor in your workouts and helps you keep track of your weight loss. Very helpful - here's the site:

Here's the workout from yesterday:

20m ----------

I spent about 20 minutes doing kettlebell snatches, alternating arms with 35 lbs, aboiut 8 to 10 reps on each side - by accelerating the drop and pulling in the snatch at the top, I use the exact muscles that are applied in the freestyle arm stroke. Plus, there is an arobic component as well - it pushes my heart rate up and simulates interval training

Worked for time, going through 45 minutes all together. This is like interval training
ExerciseSetsMin repsMax repsMin Wt. (lb)Max Wt. (lb)
CORE Kettlebell Swings715183544
CORE Kettlebell snatches516163535


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