Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Adapting workout plan -- become a lean, mean fighting machine

As I go, I am learning about working out. There is a lot said about resting between workouts. Also, there is a lot out there about combining different types of exercises for greater benefit. So, here's what I'm proposing for myself, we'll see if it works.

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.
Henry David Thoreau

I will maintain my six day workout plan but modified as follows:

Althernate a Strength routine with kettlebells and free weights with a off day of bodyweight/cardio exercises. Part of what I'm drawing on is my expereince in the Army. At the end of basic I had lost 35 pounds, was down around 195 to 200 and could do almost 100 pushups, over 100 situps and run 2 miles in just over 12 minutes. I've never been in that kind of shape since. They got me there in eight weeks. Mix into each day some cardio - run, bike, swim, jump rope, etc (plus there is the cardio from the kettle bells).

The plan was simple, you just did everything the Drill Sergeant told you and you lost weight and got in shape. Here's what they did.

We were in bed by 9, up at 4:30 (I got up at 4 to shave and prep early). We walked almost everywhere. We hiked with packs several times a week - out to the rifle range or to some other training location. The hikes lasted anywhere from a mile to 8 or 10 miles (we only did a couple really long hikes). We did pushups every day, but had formal PT in the mornings which included light running, lots of body weight strength training (Push ups, situps, crunches, pullups, and stretching). We did everythint to muscle failure (something that is discouraged by most modern guru's of workouts).

At the table, I was only allowed one piece of bread a day, no snacks except a piece of friut, and we ate three, good meals a day - well rounded - with lots of vegetables and greens.

When this was over, I was lean and ready for action - yup the proverbial lean, mean fighting machine!

So, that's what I'm going to do now - to develop a base, I'm going to walk/bike/run and do kettlebells.
I'm going to push away from the table and eat three, good meals a day with some healthy snacks in between.

I bet I can lose 30 to 40 pounds in eight weeks - so, talk to me the first week in March and see how I did.

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