Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Wednesday workout

Three sets of swings to start. First with the 16kg bell and last two with the 20kg bell. I averaged 18 swings per set.

Then, moved to snatches. Goal is to get to 50 snatches on each side in 10 minutes. I am able to do 5 sets with a combined right and left total of about 16 reps per set. So, today, I was able to do 80 reps with the 16kg bell.

Then, I used a 20kg bell, did a set of 10 curls on each side. Followed by a set of 8 jerks on each side.

Then, a cool down.

Todays totals:

170 reps total

20kg x 72 reps = 1440 kgs

16kg x 98 reps = 1568 kgs

Total =                3008 kgs
                       or  6617.6 lbs

Current body weight at about 260.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Kettlebell workouts last week

My goal is to get down to a healthy body weight, get top condition and build functional/lean strength and muscle. To start with, I am working particularly with kettlebells. I've researched quite a bit, and of course, I've looked for an exercise regimen that will fit into my lifestyle and the demands of my job. I find it extremely difficult to find time to get to the gym. I had set grander goals before: I wanted to work toward doing triathlons. However, I believe I was fooling myself. I'm not a runner or a biker - I love swimming - but right now I don't have time to get to the pool - perhaps over the summer.

So, right now, I'm focusing on the benefits of working out with kettlebells.

I had trouble finding a focus in the beginning. But, after research, I think I've found a methodology that makes sense.

There are several organizations that sponsor kettlebell competitions and technique training. I also have a local resource, Jeff Martone, of Tactical Athlete, who is a friend and has given me guidance. I took a training class with him on technique a couple of years ago.

I'm trying to build toward being able to perform repetitions for 10 minutes for the clean and jerk and the snatch.

I've included the following exercises in my routine:

swings (3 to 5 sets) for as many reps as possible - interspersed  between other exercises;

I use weights that are between 70 and 90 percent of my maximum lifting ability.

I have been performing sets each day for a week.

My weight has gone down a pound, and I can fell the burn in all my muscles.

I will add the Turkish Get up as I go forward.

Finally, I'm using yoga to develop flexibility and strength as well as develop breathing techniques.

Keep you posted.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Pick Yourself Up

...dust yourself off, and start all over again.

That's what I'm doing. I was going great after the first of the year. Then, I got an injury - unrelated to working out - I almost cut off my finger. Anyway, that stopped me from working out and I got lazy about eating. So, I maintained the first ten pound weight loss, plus or minus, but stopped working out.

So, TODAY - I started again working out with kettlebells.

I brought at 20KG to my office. I'll do several sets of swings and several sets of over head snatches today.

Also, I'm trying to back to a healthier diet. I focusing on fruit, good fresh food, the Sonoma Diet for resources.

I'm at 261 today. I want to be down in the 230's by the beginning of June.


Friday, February 1, 2013

Fried Chicken Does Not Help Weight Loss!

I know you are surprised to hear that - but fried chicken does not assist in weight loss. In fact, it is sabotage. Eating it is a deliberate act of sabotage against a weight loss program - especially when it is accompanied by mashed potatoes and grave, sweat corn, biscuits. In response to the fact that I knew I'd done wrong, I worked out excessivly ( see the workout below) - in addition to swimming at lunch and an hour worth of kettle bells last night - I still managed to gain a pound and a half - I went from 251 up to 252.5. Oh, the home made chocolate chip cookies didn't help, either. Apparently, I can't work hard enough to burn off that much extra intake - also, all of it is very high in sodium, which hurt a lot.

Anyway, I'm back on track today - after this blip, and hope to report a better return tomorrow - by the way, the addition of swimming has been fantastic.

Here are a couple of days worth of work outs:

Thu, Jan 31 2013
Wt. 251
20m 600.00 yards03m 20s /100 yards
1h 00m
ExerciseSetsMin repsMax repsMin Wt. (lb)Max Wt. (lb)
CORE Kettlebell Swings1012253553
CORE Kettlebell Turkish Get-up1443535
CORE kettlebell clean squat press3348888
CORE Kettlebell snatches314163535


Wed, Jan 30 2013
Wt. 251.5
30m 1000.00 yards-----

Pullups - three sets of 8
ExerciseSetsMin repsMax repsMin Wt. (lb)Max Wt. (lb)
CHEST Flat Bench Press314145145
CHEST Dips366130130

Tue, Jan 29 2013
Wt. 252
18m 6.50 miles-----
18m 550.00 yards-----
ExerciseSetsMin repsMax repsMin Wt. (lb)Max Wt. (lb)
CORE Kettlebell Swings515154444
CORE Kettlebell snatches410103535

Good, solid workout. Started swimming yesterday and it was miserable. But, went again today and broke through a wall. I struggled for the first 150 yards - everything hurt and I started to cramp up in my left thigh and ham string at the same time. My right calf went next. But, I pushed through and went slow and steady. After about 50 to 100 yards, my pace started to improve and all of a sudden my arms and legs felt weightless, and I was moving through the water with a lot more comfort. I focused on my breathing and swam steady for another 400 yards - I sprinted the last 50 just because - and then took a steam and a sauna.
I was able to do well with the diet today, also. Considering the calories I burned off working out, plus the fact that I stayed under my max target of 1750 while eating well, I hope that tomorrow will show some good weight loss. Of course, there is still time tonight to eat more but I'm going to try to resist temptation.
I ate around 7 pm tonight -then went to work out. It is about 10 to 10 now, and I haven't eaten since. I'm going to take my blood sugar now to see where I stand. Its 135, which is a little higher than I expected, but I think working out might elevate it. I'm going to look into that.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Boy am I in rotten shape

Boy, today was discouraging. I went to the gym and tried to see what kind of mini triathlon I could do. Right now, I could swim a 50 yards - 60 if the current was right - bike for ten minutes and walk really fast for 7. I can lift 170 lbs though! So, I'm getting stronger.

Weight loss has been good - now I have to really work at building endurance and strength.

We had three wonderful meals today - whole grain organic cereal for breakfast, chicken wraps with curry chicken for lunch, and serloin tips in garlic and onion sauce with a garden salad. Good snacks - almonds, pineapple and canteloupe. Oh, there was a minor fall from grace when I snatched a bite of my son's pizza and ate a few pretzels at the office - but all in all a good day.

Think I'll have a glass of red wine later.

Here's what I did today:

10m ----------
07m ----------
06m ----------
ExerciseSetsMin repsMax repsMin Wt. (lb)Max Wt. (lb)
CHEST Flat Bench Press317105165
CORE Kettlebell snatches116163535

Boy, am I weak and out of shape

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Great Workout for a cold, rainey (icy) day

Yesterday, I did a simple, whole body workout that you can do indoors. It works your core. For me, since I'm hoping to do some triathlons this year, it also helped develop strength and stamina in the muscles I need for swimming. The combination of the kettlebell swings and snatches and the yoga turns this into a whole body workout. Kettlebells end up being an interval workout, as well. Not only did I feel great after the workout - I feel great today AND I lost 2 lbs yesterday.

Since I started again on the Sonoma Diet (even with some cheating), I've dropped from 267 to 254.5 in about a week. I know this will slow down going forward, but it is exciting to see these results. Also, I have more energy, I fell less stress and more focused. One of the things that really contributes to weight loss is keeping track of my food intake. I use Calorie Counter - it gives you a break down of the nutrition information about your diet, allows you to factor in your workouts and helps you keep track of your weight loss. Very helpful - here's the site:

Here's the workout from yesterday:

20m ----------

I spent about 20 minutes doing kettlebell snatches, alternating arms with 35 lbs, aboiut 8 to 10 reps on each side - by accelerating the drop and pulling in the snatch at the top, I use the exact muscles that are applied in the freestyle arm stroke. Plus, there is an arobic component as well - it pushes my heart rate up and simulates interval training

Worked for time, going through 45 minutes all together. This is like interval training
ExerciseSetsMin repsMax repsMin Wt. (lb)Max Wt. (lb)
CORE Kettlebell Swings715183544
CORE Kettlebell snatches516163535


Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Indoor workout - incorporates jump rope and kettlebells

20m ----------

Did 20 minutes of interval training on jump rope

The Kettlebell swings work all of the big core muscles. Plus the swing are a great cardio workout as well. The snatches work the same muscle group as freestyle swimming, so that will benefit me when I get in the water.
ExerciseSetsMin repsMax repsMin Wt. (lb)Max Wt. (lb)
CORE Kettlebell Swings416204444
CORE Kettlebell snatches410103535


Sport comments: Worked through about 10 positions - for 40 minutes - excellent stretching, breathing and strengthening exercise
I had to work out today late and inside. I couldn't go out because it was too cold. So, I jumped rope for 20 minutes - doing interval cardio training. Then, I did the kettlebells for cardio and strength. The snatch is a exercise that works the exact same muscle groups as swimming and should really strengthen me. Finally, I ended with Yoga - doing a series of positions and focusing on breathing. I also noticed that I could jump rope better when I focused on standing tall and breathing.
All in all, a good, solid workout today.